Although I was really excited for this day out and had taken the time off weeks in advance, I really wasn't all there mentally. I think I've just had a lot going on this week with life, school and this new exercise routine, that I really couldn't relax. I was also so stressed about ruining my diet with pizza (2 nights in a row) that I really didn't enjoy the cake either. This whole "diet" and exercise thing is killing me. 10 days of pure barre classes and I see no improvement (although they guaranteed a change in 10 days). I know, I takes time...whatever...blaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Laguna Beach was cloudy and cool (not too cold thankfully) unlike the rest of Socal which was in the mid 80's. Weird weather I tell you!
My very handy and super cute/cool beach bag! I finally got to use it!
It was actually very good pizza!
I brought a healthy choice, pineapple slices, so I wouldn't eat the cookies (which I did!)
Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. It was so good. Why???
Beach homes are always so beautiful!
Looked so fun! Wish I could've been there!