I've had Fishi for over 3 years now and Spots for about 2. I will have to go into the story of how I got them at a later time, but these characters are quite unbelievable. I've grown up having many a pet goldfish, but never like these two. They drive me nuts and yet, I love them to death. If anything happens to them, I panic like only a mother would/could. My husband thinks i'm nuts, but that's for a later time! :D
If you can't figure out what's wrong with this picture, their bridge is knocked over.
Yes, I know their tank is really small, and no I am not abusing my goldfish by keeping them contained in a small space (ok maybe I am, I'm a terrible mother). I live in an apartment that has a NO PET rule, which ridiculously includes goldfish. How would they know I have pets you ask? Because the @#$%^ actually come and do monthly so called "smoke detector" inspections and therefore a huge tank would be quite visible. I can't afford a $400 fine.
I'm working on getting them larger living quarters, I just don't know where to put it.
Just imagine if they had all this space...oh the swimming they could do! It breaks my heart. My poor babies :'(
Fishi and Spots! Greatest two little fish on earth! Yayyy!