I have often thought about having a bird feeder on my balcony. We aren't allowed to have anything attached to the walls or the railings (and then again we aren't allowed to have pets including fish, and I have 2), but I think I could figure something out. I've often seen hummingbirds come around my flowers and even butterfly's. It would be lovely to have some little birds or finches. I don't like the standard bird feeders you see in stores, as they are big, bulky and just plain ugly. But, as I was combing through pinterest, I came across this. What a great idea, and cute too might I add. I am definitely going to give this a try (when I have time, sigh).
Then again, I will have to think about attracting unwanted neighbors to my balcony. I can only imagine the mess they would make. I don't have many trees nearby, so I think I'm safe from squirrels (so I think). But maybe I should just see what happens :D
How very cute!