Friday, February 15, 2013

Short Break

This week has been hectic both mentally and physically and I haven't had a moment to rest or think or breath or eat or...anyways.  Eating has only happened because people around me have been stuffing food in my face...God bless them.  I have a handful of posts lined up, so once I feel back to normal emotionally, then I'll put them up :)

With a new lab starting and all the craziness that the passing of this young man brought, it's been hard to juggle everything.  But, I'm going home for the weekend to take a break from "life" which is impossible, but I really am looking forward to just being with my family and having my mommy take care of me :D pampering time.  My poor hubby, I'm leaving him here with the mess of everything (which includes our house since I haven't even had a minute to just be home).  I wish I could take him with me...he needs a mental break too.  I wish I didn't have to come back to this hardship...but I know once I get back from my break, i'm going to have to get back into gear to take care of the friends around me that are falling to pieces.   

I pray that no hardship ever befalls anyone, especially something like this.   


  1. We'll take good care of you for a little while - give you an energy boost to return to your life and responsibilities! :)

  2. may Allah grant you and your family and friends ease and relief, you're in our duas



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