I wish I had a little house with a little garden to plant beautiful flowers and vegetables. But I guess a little balcony will do for now...
My little cherry tomato plant
Green little tomato waiting to become ripe!
These pots have daisies planted in them. I cut them back for the winter months and they are slowly starting to grow back now, since SoCal hasn't really had a winter. The blue bulbs are my watering bulbs. They really do work, especially for lazy people like me.
So these little guys (below) are actually tulips that I had from last year. If I remember correctly, they were red tulips that my husband bought me for the Persian new year. They say bulbs grow back, but you usually have to take the bulbs out, wrap them up in a paper bag and put them in the back of your fridge and remember to plant them the following year. Well, that's too much work for me. So instead, when they died, I clipped them back, covered them with another pot and stowed them away in a dark, dry corner of my balcony. Then last month, when I was cleaning my balcony I noticed them. I took them out of their corner and saw that the bulbs had begun to sprout. So i've been watering them since, and they are actually growing :) I can't believe I actually will have tulips again. I tried this once before and most of the bulbs died except one, but this time they are ALL coming back. This is very exciting :)
Your tomato plant is amazing! It just keeps sprouting and blooming! All those lovely flowers - green thumb!