Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The LA County Fair

My labmates (aka people I work/slave away with) took a fun trip to the LA County fair last week with our PI (aka boss) - my lab is just too cool. This was my first time at a fair and I was kind of excited, even though I was still dealing with shingles pain, uh. Overall, it was a great day.

Here are some shots from our day:

Note: I didn't go on that ride. I enjoyed having my feet planted firmly on the ground.

Fair food may look amazing, but it definitely didn't taste amazing, sadly.

Bee exhibit

 Can you find the Queen? She's larger than the other bees and has a circle of worker bees around her that pet and groom her all day long. Here's a hint: she has a red dot on her head - the dot is not natural. It's for the bee keepers to identify her.

Pig races. My little piggy won the first 2 :)

 I won a chocolate covered banana for it (courtesy of the person I bet against, haha!). It didn't taste good.


Fried Oreo

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Sorry about the food though...could have been better...they probably didn't have good vendors!



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