Sunday, September 16, 2012

Things that make no sense

 I spent a few hours at the mall shopping, more like trying to shop, looking for a gift for a friend.  Once again, I get so disappointed with the styles.  Here are a few pieces that just make me cringe.

 This was totally Hijabi-rific...until...

 you turn it around...there's a slit in the back...what the??

 Cute bag...until you look closer.  The bag is made of white plastic.  Why?

 Gotta love Socal, I bet she's probably in her 60s.  You have to feel sorry for these kinds of people.  

 Not only are they skinny, but they're stretchy and they're ugly.  Why ca.'t they have prettier patterns.  In case no one's's very hard to find non-skinny jeans/pants now.  Who would have thought.  

 And the point of this?

 Lips?  Really? 

Kids too? What's going on? His shirt says "Where Bobby?".

On a better note, I found a gift and was super excited by how they wrapped it :)  


  1. pretty wrapping!!! what was the gift :) ?

  2. hahaha..that slit in the hijabrific top happens to me way too often! That or some lacy see through bit. I went shopping for wide-ish jeans recently and I couldn't find anything - if it wasn't skinny it was still super tight through the thighs..



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